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Flamingo Fridays



HRHA strongly encourages all residents stay connected with their neighbors.  The people who live immediately around you (i.e. up/down your street) truly comprise your own neighborhood.  The commonality of living on the same street is a bond that creates “your neighborhood”!


While there are multiple HRHA events during the year, they draw from our entire sub-division.  A periodic ‘get-together’ or gathering among neighbors on your block/street helps to strengthen the community feeling of your neighborhood beyond simply waving as you pass by.  With so many new residents in Hunting Ridge, this summer is a great time to connect with those on your street.


In the summer time it can be as simple as an informal evening drive-way gathering for your immediate neighbors, an open Flamingo Friday gathering or a Block Party with your street barricaded courtesy of the Village.  It just takes one person to take the initiative to start the ball rolling.  Feedback over the past 5 years has been consistent that everyone who attends a neighborhood get-together, greatly appreciates the opportunity to visit and connect with their neighbors. 

Flamingo Fridays (or Saturday/Sunday)!

Are you wondering where to find the flamingos?  Just wander around our community on a Friday evening.  It is easy to host.  Just open your driveway.  No food, drinks, seating, etc. are needed.  Everyone stopping by should bring what they would like.  To host a Flamingo Friday, contact Rhonda Levitt or any of the board members.  We will drop off the flamingo party pack which includes flamingo sunglasses.  If you are interested in having a bonfire, we can also drop off wood.    

What a great, easy way to meet and enjoy time together with friends and neighbors.

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